Skills that are required to be successful in both personal and professional fields. Learning is indeed a life-long process. However, awareness and understanding of these skills at an early stage of life helps you accelerate your ability to solve real-world problems and challenges with solution-oriented approach. These skills need to be practiced and nurtured from an early time and practiced to be able to achieve success in chosen field and live meaningful, holistic life full of peace, prosperity and progress!
Skills that are required to be successful in both personal and professional fields. Learning is indeed a life-long process. However, awareness and understanding of these skills at an early stage of life helps you accelerate your ability to solve real-world problems and challenges with solution-oriented approach. These skills need to be practiced and nurtured from an early time and practiced to be able to achieve success in chosen field and live meaningful, holistic life full of peace, prosperity and progress!
“Build strong foundations for your life and career by learning timeless transferable skills, that do not change with time and industry. This way you never have to worry about disruptions and noises in the outside world.”
– Som Kolekar
These Human skills/qualities are:
Developing survival and thriving Skill set
Communication & Social Skills
Creativity, Innovation and Invention
Time & Priority Management
Critical Problem solving and Decision Making
Working with others
Initiative, Leadership, Influence and Persuasion
Mastering your craft
Developing and Commitment to Vision, Mission, Goals, Mantra